vet well-visits for your petsvet well-visits for your pets

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vet well-visits for your pets

Do you do everything in your power to keep your furry family members healthy for as many years as possible? How often do you take your pets to the vet? Do you wait until your pet is sick or injured before taking him or her in for an examination? Did you know that there are several illnesses that can be caught early during a regular well visit? Go to our blog to find out what your vet could find in your pet that could save his or her life if it is caught early. By the time you finish reading, you will be ready to schedule a well-visit for your furry family member.

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The Purpose Of A Doggie Day Care Interview And What To Expect

If you are a dog owner, you might be a little apprehensive about leaving your new family member at home alone while you work. Doggie day care is a convenient option to consider as you and your furry friend are getting used to each other. Some doggie day care facilities require an interview before you start using their services. This guide explains the purpose of this interview and what to expect.

The Reasons For the Interview

The purpose of the interview is to assess the behavior of your dog. Each facility reserves the right to refuse a dog if it does not show adequate behavior. However, dog day care operators are not looking for exceptionally well-trained dogs. They are simply checking to ensure that your dog will not present trouble for staff members.

A member of the staff looks for signs of aggression, excessive barking and excessive shyness. They also require proof of immunizations and need to know what health issues or special needs your dog might have, so they can know whether they can properly handle any emergency situation that might arise.

The Doggie Introductions During the Interview

Doggie introductions are part of the interview process and are highly beneficial for you, your dog and the staff. Staff members introduce your dog to other dogs they are currently taking care of.

Usually they bring out dogs one-by-one to observe the level of your dog's anxiety. Then they gradually increase the number of dogs they expose your dog to during this time. The facility wants to ensure that your dog will be happy and safe, and that it can handle the stress of interacting with multiple dogs at the same time.

If your dog has never interacted with other dogs, this process could be stressful for it. However, some dogs don't have much trouble interacting with other animals.

If you're concerned about your dog's ability to interact with others, consider taking him or her to a dog park a few times before you schedule the interview. These trips could help your dog get used to other dogs being around, and they can get used to other people as well.

The Aspects You Should Look for During the Interview

Use this interview opportunity to make sure the doggie day care is a good fit for your dog. You need to be just as comfortable with them as they are with your dog.

Look for staff members who genuinely care about the animals. Check the sizes of the crates and sleeping areas to ensure that the dogs are not cramped and have plenty of soft cushions or blankets to rest on.

Look at the overall cleanliness of the facility. There should be no feces or urine on the floor or other surfaces, and even though the place is full of dogs, the doggie aroma should be at a minimum.

Additionally, check to ensure that the facility has a separate play area for the dogs, and that they have a fenced-in area in the back that is in good condition.

Also, make sure that you fully understand the kennel's reservation policies and prices before making your final decision.

Once you and the doggie day care staff are comfortable with each other, and your dog has been accepted, you'll have the peace of mind you need to go to work without any worries about your little friend being left alone. Ask the doggie day care how you can best prepare your dog for their facility so that they will look forward to going each day.